My latest problem with sound (after following the semi useful sound
HOWTO which only helped me in diagnosing whether I had the IRQ/IOs
right) was the permissions on my /dev/* sound devices.
Even though my sound card was working (compiled into the kernel...
looked in dmesg for the spot where my sound card is loaded to be sure it
WAS loading), I couldn't play unless I cat'ed the file manually (or used
something like tracker) *as root* to /dev/sound.
If you 'cat /dev/sndstat' it should give you information on your card. I
had to do a little poking around to even *get* a /dev/sndstat... one
thing I did was (as root) '/dev/MAKEDEV audio'.
I don't know what sound drivers you're using.. mine are standard OSS
compiled into kernel with a sound blaster 16 :o)
(cat /dev/sndstat says at the top:
Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux ghettobox 2.2.13 #1 Sun Jan 23 19:56:49 PST 2000 i586 )
Back to the chmod issue...I had to chmod my output devices to a+rw
(all+read&write; don't ask me on the numbers, I do it the easy way ;o))
so everyone could write to the output stream (hence the reason it was
only working as root). I am not sure *exactly* which device did the
trick (I was working with xmms to test, it kept giving me the "make sure
you have the right output plugin" message until i got it right).
I can give more detail on how I diagnosed my problem if needed :o)
(as an aside.. i am not sure why it called my kernel #1... compiled it
myself with kernel-package (debian) based off of 2.2.13-2 (from potato);
perhaps there is a way to change it when i use the packager(?)).
Phil V Savoie wrote:
> I believe with Caldera 2.3 there is an icon in the bottom left of the tool
> bar in kde that is COAS. This is the utility I believe that will help you
> out. I believe it contains a bunch of utilities for most setup things.
> At 13:06 29/01/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >i have caldera... does this make a difference?
> >
> >it's 2.3....