Caitlyn Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, if you are using kppp, you don't need to touch /etc/resolv.conf, but
> rather enter the primary (and any secondary) DNS server IP address(es) in the
> TCP/IP settings in kppp.  In any case, she'll need that info, and all her other
> basic configuration info, from the ISP.  It's all graphical, easy, and
> frighteningly Windows-like.

Actually, Caity, I think that kppp is an excellent piece of software.
(I think it uses threads.)  But the information that gets entered in
its configuration is made available to other networking software;
e.g., if I wanted for some reason to make a connection with pppd
directly, I don't know if it would necessarily find the config
iformation for kppp... which is saved in the file
~/.kde/share/config/kppprc, and the kernel-level networking software
is not necessarily kde-aware.



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