it's alittle simpler than that, you just need to have your isp's nameserver
set in /etc/resolv.conf
for example my isp gave me info when i signed up that listed the ip
addresses of the mail, news, primary and secondary nameservers, so I just go
into /etc/resolv.conf and enter the following:

nameserver yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

where x and y are the ip addresses of the primary and secondary name
I don't know, maybe there's more to it than that, if so, someone else might
have a better idea


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 4:30 PM
> Subject: [techtalk] Newbie question
> Hi All;
> I'm a linux newbie and have been lurking on this list for a 
> little while.
> Hope I don't sound too ignorant.
> I have installed and been running Caldera's Open Linux 2.3.
> It's been quite the learning experience, but I've managed to 
> get to the point 
> where I'd like to use the Netscape browser.
> I connect successfully to my ISP using kppp but whenever I 
> try to do anything 
> with Netscape I can't get a name resolution.
> >Here's the error message: 
> >--- Warning: the following hosts are unknown: 
> > 
> > 
> >This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
> > Perhaps there is a problem with your name server?
> >If your site must use a non-root name server, you will need 
> to set the 
> $SOCKS_NS >environment variable to point at the appropriate 
> name server. 
> >It may (or may not) be necessary to set this variable, or 
> the SOCKS host 
> >preference, to the IP address of the host in question rather 
> than its name 
> I get the same problem as a user or root.
> I've been searching on-line and through the Complete Linux 
> Reference v3 and 
> I' m
> confused.
> The reference  quide seems to say I need a domain name server 
> and refers to 
> BIND name server daemon called named in the /etc directory. I 
> don't seem to 
> have that file.
> Am I barking up the wrong tree?
> Any sugesstions would be appreciated.
> ************


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