Hey Kelly,
    Funny that you mention compiling rarp into the kernel. I have just sat
down to compile in Bastille Linux (kernel security) into my router. I just
finished creating another 486 to use as a router while I take this one
down. I'll check it out and see what happens.
Thanks again for you help,

Harry Hoffman
Product Systems Specialist
Restaurants Unlimited Inc.
Seattle WA
206 634-3082 ext. 270

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 21:05:39 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> >  I don't know if that  is normally the case, however I would think that
> >it would not be. The reason that I say this is that the cable modem is not
> >directly connected to the computer. It is connected thru cat5 cable.
> >ifconfig reports (I may be wrong here) on system devices only. Arp should
> >report on it, I'm not sure what's up with that. On my network arp only
> >reports 3 out of 4 computers MAC addr. The fourth doesn't even show up,
> >even though it's live. Any other suggestion?? This dang thing has got me
> >stumped.
> Oh, so the cablemodem is connected to a hub, along with several other
> devices?  If that's the case, I would think you'd have to use some
> sort of tool (usually provided by the cable modem manufacturer) to
> configure the cable modem.  
> Arp is a passive system: it just reports on the IP addresses it sees
> attached to Ethernet hardware addresses.  You might trying seeing if
> the cablemodem is trying to RARP its IP address by compiling RARP
> support into your kernel and running rarpd.  Then if you get a RARP
> packet from an ethernet hardware address you don't recognize, you
> could set up rarpd to give that ethernet address the IP you want the
> cablemodem to have.  This won't help you with routing, though, and
> probably is of no real help at all. :)
> Kelly
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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