Have you tried it? (it doesn't sound like it) :o)

You might try linuxconf or netconf or something that accesses your
network configuration also... tho if it's not in ifconfig I don't
know/think it'll be there.

Have you tried looking at a howto for cable modems?


> Hey Kelly,
>   I don't know if that  is normally the case, however I would think that
> it would not be. The reason that I say this is that the cable modem is not
> directly connected to the computer. It is connected thru cat5 cable.
> ifconfig reports (I may be wrong here) on system devices only. Arp should
> report on it, I'm not sure what's up with that. On my network arp only
> reports 3 out of 4 computers MAC addr. The fourth doesn't even show up,
> even though it's live. Any other suggestion?? This dang thing has got me
> stumped.

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