On Jan 14, V Clarke conjectured: > I'd love to, but this version of Pine doesn't _have_ replyall. It prompts > you when you hit reply; if you choose the replyall option, it replies to > the sender with a CC to the mailing list; if not you only get the sender. > It also prompts for reply-to headers, although you can set it to default > to using them. > You can always hand-edit your headers. I do this for another mailng list I'm on that sends a cc to the list. I ctrl-k the to, then ctrl-k the cc:, then ctrl-u up in the to: field. works fine. Conni -- I'm having some difficulty with the idea that an AI needs nookie. -Michael, User Friendly 6/01/99 http://www2.one-eyed-alien.net/~ccovingt http://www.angelfire.com/anime/Galadriel ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Re: [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to
Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun Fri, 14 Jan 2000 09:05:20 -0800
- [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to V Clarke
- Re: [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to jennyw
- Re: [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to Jenn V.
- Re: [techtalk] Pine and Reply... V Clarke
- Re: [techtalk] Pine and R... Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun
- Re: [techtalk] Pine a... Nicole Zimmerman
- Re: [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to Nicole Zimmerman