That's interesting if you're getting doubles on this list.  The reason is
because the message below includes a reply-to: header to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] In general, I think it's up to people's
preferences -- I generally prefer to get two messages so that one shows up
in my inbox, as it can take a little while for me to sort through all the
messages I get on various mailing lists.

Most mailing lists, including LinuxChix, include a "sender:" header that
looks like:

        Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Whereas something that's sent to you by someone's MTU is not going to have
this header on there. This is how you can have your rules distinguish
between something sent to you by someone and something sent to you via a
mailing list.

Some caveats: Not all mailing list managers follow this convention (e.g., Also, not all MTUs are capable of filtering on the sender:
header. For example, I don't know if pine can do this.  Netscape
Communicator can (on Win -- I assume Linux is the same), but it's kind of
counter-intuitive (you have to create a header called "sender"; the one
that's called sender right now actually looks at the "from:" header, which
means you'll have two "sender" headers to choose from when making rules).


----- Original Message -----
From: "V Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "techtalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 8:48 AM
Subject: [techtalk] Pine and Reply-to

> I'm getting, from several different mailing lists including linuxchix,
> duplicate copies of every post of mine that someone replies to, largely as
> far as I can see because I can't set a reply-to when I write the mail and
> the replies therefore get CC'd to my inbox.
> However, asking about this on my local comp.advice newsgroup started an
> argument: one person said it's the list admin's responsibility, another
> said it's my job to filter them out, and yet a third wanted to know what
> the first two were on about and why on earth couldn't people just be more
> careful about pruning the headers before they hit Send.
> With regard to linuxchix, what's accepted policy?
> Vicky
> ************


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