Laurel Fan wrote:
> I don't know where you get that I was telling her to search "useless
> sources of information". I merely explained how I would go about
> looking for that answer, and I think it was useful, since I found the
> answer about 3 times, in one form or another.
Presumably, since I /think/ the original requester wrote saying 'I looked
there', she didn't.
When I'm doing what you seemed to intend to do, I cut the relevent bit from
the man page and say 'I found this in man XYZ'. That both gives the answer,
and provides a further-reading hint.
Note also that her installation may not include the same man pages that
yours does.
> Yes, I do think people should read documentation first, because I find
> it more convenient than asking people. Of course, finding and reading
> documentation is somewhat of an acquired skill.
Note the 'and reading' bit. You and I can look at the exact same file and
receive different information from it. It never hurts to clip the portion
of information that included the answer.
> If I merely gave her a link to the information, this would be, to quote
> an old but still instructive aphorism, giving her a fish. I feel it is
> more useful to teach people how to fish. You'll notice that I did give
> a direct link to the answer to the question.
Ah, but I didn't notice. :)
> I believe this list is for people who want to learn how to use Linux.
> One of the best things about the hacker and Linux communities are the
> people who are willing to share their knowledge. Most of my knowledge
> of Unix has been acquired from people taking the time to explain
> something in depth to me.
The list also specifically says not to tell people to RTFM. I appreciate
that that was not your intention, but I recall glancing at your answer and
thinking 'uh, that's perilously close to a blunt RTFM. A newbie is going to
be put off and upset by that one'.
A way to do the same thing, but present it better, is to pass on the
information and /then/ say 'here's how I found it'.
> If that's the philosophy of the list, again, please update the charter
> and I will unsubscribe.
Nope. Just don't frighten the newbies off while we're teaching them.
Alas, 'man' seems to have been deliberately constructed to do just that. ;)
Jenn V.
"We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor.
This is women's work!"
Helix, Freefall.
Jenn Vesperman [EMAIL PROTECTED]