Hey girl,
What I use is postgres.  Its a freeware SQL database for linux and has
ports to most distros of Unix.  I also wrote some html front ends that
put stuff in and pull stuff out of the database using cgis written in
C.  Its pretty good for what we use it for, but pretty soon I think we
are going to have to go to Oracle when we hit the million user mark. 


Michelle Leonard wrote:
> Working on my first resolution - to get a "real"
> database system running.  Our existing database to
> date consists of bunches of flatfiles and directory
> filesystems.  Access is through perl scripts/html
> pages.  I would like to get a more formal database
> system going (and moved from the old SUN box to new
> linux box) as our volume will soon overrun what we
> have now.  So I'm looking for suggestions as to
> everyones favorite database and access
> programs/protocols etc.  Any pros/cons appreciated.

Vanessa Little
Unix System Operations & Engineering     
Pathway Communications

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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