>How much memory do you have? StarOffice is a real memory hog (I call it
>bloatware and you may quote me on that), a quick test gave this:

>It eats additional 2MB in the X-Server and forks off 6 copies 
>of itself,
>giving 7 instances running. If Linux didn't do such a good job 
>in memory
>management (copy-on-write and stuff), it would consume between 
>100 and 120
>MB of RAM (and that's with shared memory taken into account).

        Hmm.  I have 128M, but I have not gotten around
to setting up any swap partitions.  With 128M, the need was
not pressing. :-)  Perhaps I'm simply running out of memory
during the install.  I'll have to create a 256M swap partition
and try it again.


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