I installed StarOffice on my Sun box at work
(successfully) and attempted to install it on my Caldera 2.2
box at home (unsuccessfully).
Has anyone else had problems installing StarOffice?
I'm wondering if it is due to a glibc2.0 vs glibc2.1
conflict. My machine has glic2.1 installed.
Symptom: Everything in the setup program runs
fine until the window that says "Enter install type"
or something similar. Instead of putting up buttons
for minimum, normal, and custom, the whole display
window freezes. Minimizing it and re-opening it results
in a black window. Nothing more happens until the
setup process is killed with ctrl-C from the shell
where I started it. Using the "kill" command is
not necessary.
I also attempted to install some of the libraries
underlying Gnome so that I can ultimately install Gnome,
but some of the rpm's refuse to install even with
--force, insisting on glibc errors. I'm not sure
what to do when rpm insists that a package refuses
to install because it requires glibc2.1, and I look
in /lib and find......glibc2.1. I presume this is
a conflict between my Caldera install and rpm's
that are probably (but not specifically noted as being)
RedHat specific.
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