On  1 Nov, Tonya Winter stumbled around in the dark a bit, turned on the light and 
> One of the reasons I wanted to upgrade is that I can't seem to mount the CD 
> ROM. I have tried many different pieces of advice. The most frequently 
> suggested being "type mount /dev/hdc/cdrom (or whatever your cdrom is 
> usually hdc but maybe hdb or ?)" When I type that command in any form I get 
> "can't find /dev/hdc/cdrom in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab"
> I'm going to guess that its because I didn't set something up? I just 
> recieved Running Linux and Linux in a Nutshell both O'Reilly books. If you 
> happen to know what to look up in there that would be great. Or just giving 
> me advice directly is always appreciated! ;)

If you have an older scsi cdrom (especially one of those SoundBlaster
integrated with the soundcard) they can be a real bugger to get
working. I had one of these on my old P90, and it took a lot of
fiddling to get it working. If this is the problem, mail me privately
and I can take you through what we did :)


Catie Flick

Today we will study trees. First, find your tree. Give your tree a hug.
Trees like hugs.

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