Is your CD ROM jumper set to master or slave? If the jumper is set to master, change the jumper settings to be slave (your manual should give you information as to how to set the jumper settings). I had the same problem and the LUG (Linux Users Group at Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County) helped with this and I was able to install Linux perfectly fine. ~Sri ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Tonya Winter
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Marie Fischer
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Ingrid Schupbach
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Jeff Dike
- Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead Catie Flick
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