As far as the partitioning goes, I use Partition Magic 4.0. (5.0 has just
been released) It's a win program, but it handles Linux partitions nicely
(so long as you're not trying to modify the partition the kernel is on).
(PM costs about $70 US or about $30 US for the upgrade) Product info at:
I think you can also use fdisk for this purpose, and I don't know if Red
Hat's Disk Druid program is available after the initial install, but my
understanding is these programs don't preserve the information that already
exists on the partition. PM does, that's why I use it. (Someone please
correct me if I'm wrong)
For the networking, I have a similar setup (two Intel boxes with RH 6, one
modem, 2 NICs). Check out the IP-Masquerade HOWTO at:
Also, if you're not familiar with Linux security issues, you might want to
check out the Beginner's Guide to Armoring Linux at:
Hope this helps,
At 05:58 PM 10/30/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Is it possible to format a partition of an existing drive?
>My current win98 install is fouled up beyond recognition, and I already
>have 5/8 of my drive partitioned for redhat. The other 3/8 is win98, and
>I would like to format just htat part since I don't really want to
>recreate the entire contents of my drive. I'm waiting for a non-winmodem
>from a friend, so I have a few days to get this figured out.
>The drive is currently partitioned 3 gb vfat, with 5 gb linux. I can get
>more info if necessary. (The win partition resides on /mnt/dosc/ )
>And anothr thing: how difficult is it to set up a LAN from a PPP
>conneciton? (We have the modem, a pc with a NIC, a mac with a NIC, and a
>hub. The PC will be running redhat 6.) I asked a friend, and he said it
>had something to do with IP masquerading and IPchains.
>Terrorism. Coups. Armed conflict. Any one can seriously cramp your
>vacation style.
> -Newsweek, 22 Feb 1999