At 05:50 AM 10/29/99 GMT, you wrote:
>On 10/28/99, 10:58:23 PM, Sharon Kisel wrote:
>> I'm having trouble going through with an update from
>> Redhat 5.2 to 6.1.
argh! lotsa information, more then i thought i'd get back!
I'm going to work on this this weekend, and a friend is bringing his laptop
so i can use the network option if the cd drivers are part of the problem!
''The Red Hat 6.1 installer is a bug-ridden mess.''
why didn't someone tell me this BEFORE i began?????
one other weird thing -- i made a 6.1 bootdisk using the rawwrite.exe
function off of the cd , while on a win 98 machine.... someone told me this
was a BAD thing? the bootdisk worked on my 98 machine at work, but would
not work at all at home. It failed to even load the linux installer....
Luckily I had an old bootdisk that got me as far as the cdrom/hdd choice.
thanks for all the feedback! I will now put my 12 gauge away until
"The object is not to see through one another, but
to see one another through."