I have the same problem Sharon describes. I tried it again and this is what 
I found when I pressed Alt F3:

mounting hdc on /tmp/rhimage as type iso9660
creating directory /tmp/rhimage rc=0
calling mount (/tmp/hdc, /tmp/rhimage, iso9660, -1058209791, (nil))
removing decide file /tmp/hdc
done here
method selection completed
state saved to /tmp
error in exec of second stage loader :-(
         error no such file or directory

Maybe I need another boot disk? I was using the one I got with 5.2 because I 
don't have one for 6.1 and I cannot connect to the net in Linux to create 
one. (I have been struggling with getting Linux to connect for days now, I 
don't even know what to ask you folks about it.) Is it possible for me to 
create a disk online in windows?

----Original Message Follows----
From: Kir Kolyshkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [techtalk] linux 6.1 install
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:16:23 +0000

Sharon Kisel wrote:

 > I'm having trouble going through with an update from Redhat 5.2 to 6.1.  
 > have a bootdisk, which goes through to the choice of update from Cdrom or
 > Hdd.  when i choose cdrom, and put the cd in, the drive light comes on 
 > the screen changes to "welcome to redhat linux" on a blue screen; then
 > nothing else happens.  The cdrom drive continues to be lit, but no other
 > prompts.
 > any ideas?
 > someone mentioned looking at the virtual consoles for errors.  Where are
 > these located/ how are the accessed?  also, what kind of error would i be
 > looking for?

This problem looks really strange....maybe you have troubles with CDrom
driver...  :-( )
Yes, by pressing Alt-F1...Alt-F5 you can see different consoles and read
various messages...at least you should get info about in what stage
installation locks up.

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