Deb Richardson wrote:
> Ingrid Schupbach wrote:
> >
> > Ack.
> >
> > I have spent the past hour trying to figure out how to give myself more
> > font options in gimp. Currently I only have 4 fonts. I went to
> > and downloaded a big file of fonts, and I unzipped and untarred it, but I
> > have no clue where to put it. Do I put it in some .gimp directory? Some
> > .gnome directory? I can't seem to find where my fonts live.
> Adding fonts is still a bit of a pain. I added a bunch of TrueType
> fonts to my RH6.0 system by putting the *.ttf/*.TTF files in:
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts/
> That isn't quite all you have to do, however...there are two utilities
> that you have to run as well...ttmkfdir and mkfontdir.
> An old HOWTO is available here:
> If you're running RH 6.0 you already have all the utilities
> installed...the font server should be installed and running (assuming
> you've done a fairly standard installation). Here's the basic procedure
> that works for me (note: likely only works on RH6.0 or better):
> 0. Get root
> 1. Put all your *.ttf files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts/
> 2. cd to the webfonts directory if you're not already there
> 3. run ttmkfdir and stick the output in a file called fonts.scale using
> a command like the following:
> /usr/sbin/ttmkfdir > fonts.scale
> 4. in the same directory run mkfontdir with:
> mkfontdir
> 5. log out of your x session and startx again
> 6. start GIMP and check the font list or, alternately, type
> "xlsfonts" in a normal user shell...this will list all of the fonts
> currently being used by your x session (this won't work in a rootshell
> and you'll get an error)
> Notes: ttmkfdir won't necessarily like all of the fonts you have in the
> directory and may produce some error messages. There's not a lot you
> can do about this...some font files just don't have all the information
> that's needed to do this properly. Those fonts mentioned in the error
> messages won't be used by the font server.
> This also only deals with TrueType font support.
> If you have problems with my procedure, let me know. This is mostly off
> the top of my head, but it should work. I'm going to turn this into a
> mini-HOWTO at some point, so if there are inaccuracies, I need to know
> about them :>
> - deb
> --
> ************
I noticed that GIMP grabbed and uses all my windoze conts that COREL has. Which
is quite nice. This is in spite of using them not as much as I usually use
fonts in personal letters in Works.
Have Fun,
Sends Steve...
P.S. I'll hava a slew of questions to ask soon, don't worry...:) The COREL
fonts are True Type...