Ack. I have spent the past hour trying to figure out how to give myself more font options in gimp. Currently I only have 4 fonts. I went to and downloaded a big file of fonts, and I unzipped and untarred it, but I have no clue where to put it. Do I put it in some .gimp directory? Some .gnome directory? I can't seem to find where my fonts live. Thanks! Ingrid ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- RE: [techtalk] CD ROM Tonya Winter
- RE: [techtalk] CD ROM Gregory Conron
- RE: [techtalk] CD ROM Jane Susi
- RE: [techtalk] CD ROM Tonya Winter
- Re: [techtalk] CD ROM Kir Kolyshkin
- Re: [techtalk] Font confusion Ingrid Schupbach
- Re: [techtalk] Font confusion Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] Font confusion Deb Richardson
- Re: [techtalk] Font confusion Steve Kudlak