Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Oct 1999 10:05:54 +0000, Kir Kolyshkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >Well, there is one VERY important issue - do you need BITMAPPED
> >graphics or VECTORED one. GIMP, Corel PhotoPaint, Adobe Photoshop are
> >all doing bitmapped graphics well for us (although my personal
> >favorite is The GIMP), but Corel Draw! is a vector graphics program,
> >and you can't obtain such functionality from bitmapped graphics.
> GIMP is starting to get vestiges of vector graphics capabilities,
> although they're not there yet.  I think someone's planning on
> extending them in the next release.

There is feature freeze now in GIMP development front, and I use last
released development version 1.1.10 and can't see any vector graphics

I personally think that bitmap and vector graphics can't be combined together
without loss of application features/convenience/etc. Yes, COREL supports
some bitmap-oriented filters (you can even use all Photoshop filters in it),
but in case I really want to do something with bitmap I run Photoshop even if
I have Corel runnning, because the philosophies of these two kind of graphics
are just so different that there is a need for two separate tools. That's the
reason why both CorelDRAW! and Corel PhotoPaint exists.

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