At 07:03 PM 10/14/99 GMT, you wrote:
>for example, restrict a user's access to control panel so that they can't
>alter the network configuration, even restrict their access so they can't
>right click on Network Neighborhood and change the network configuration,
>all they have to do is access the windows help file, look up network
>configuration, and it gives them a link to alter the network configuration,
>so now what, you disallow the user access to the windows help file?
>Your "typical Windows user" has no idea that if PolEdit is set, you can 
>access system setting (network, add/remove programs, etc) from the help 
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Well hang around younger people and you'll find out a bit different. I mean
that is the prime computer interested types around here. If it is easy to
do, or even moderately difficult they often know how to do it. However mom
and dad might take it as a joke a couple of times but not  often. However
younger people often find a way around "parental controls" again "It's an
access thing!"
                                        Have Fun,
                                        Sends Steve

P.S. I will stop general messages if it is not liked...


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