UNIX                    AT&T Attack virus
UNIX              Ebola

and as someone already stated, bliss for the linux platform, not sure if
it's distribution dependent or kernel dependent, or even if it exists, but I
have seen references to it, doubtful that it's really bad

and as for program policies/file permissions, windows nt uses the same file
permissions, I believe the majority of the virii for windows nt actually
take advantage of the windows API (i.e.. back orifice, which I know isn't
really a virus, but play along with me for a minute) anyway, the problem
with windows is that security and user friendliness are at opposite ends of
the spectrum...MS has gone for user friendliness and that's what bit them in
the butt.

for example, restrict a user's access to control panel so that they can't
alter the network configuration, even restrict their access so they can't
right click on Network Neighborhood and change the network configuration,
all they have to do is access the windows help file, look up network
configuration, and it gives them a link to alter the network configuration,
so now what, you disallow the user access to the windows help file? I've
never been able to access anything on my system from a man page....

Brian Engle

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Samantha Jo Moore
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 1:43 PM
> Subject: RE: [techtalk] Question for the group
> I have never heard of a unix system having a virus problem...
> EVER!  I have
> never known of a virus checker for unix.  I don't believe
> these systems are
> immune to viruses, however.  I think that it's just a matter
> of the system
> not being widely popular, and the fact that the hardware
> platforms in which
> it runs are so diverse.  A virus created on an HP won't run
> on a Digital or
> an intel box, so dissemination becomes harder.
> Besides, a lot of viruses take advantage of bugs and/or holes
> left in the
> applications or the OS.  And we all know how many of those are in the
> Microsoft software!
> Samantha Jo Moore
> CTO - The Tahoe Group, Inc.
> ************


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