On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Amanda Knox wrote:
> Take care,
> Amanda (who should probably start calling herself Amanda K. now, since
> there's another Amanda on the list *smile*)
Actually, I think there at least 2 more. I just usually only lurk. :)
On another note:
Can anyone tell me why I might keep seeing problems in my logs with
mountd giving mount refusals to Isn't that localhost? Why
won't mountd let the machine that's running it mount something? It seems
rather odd to me. I haven't tried tossing localhost into hosts.allow, and
I'm *assuming* that it's balking at mounting the nfs exported filesystems
that I share with some other machines, but I've yet to actually
*encounter* a directory that isn't mounted. It just seems duced odd.
Any suggestions?
Amanda Owens
Duke University Medical Center
Department of Radiation Oncology
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org