Hi Eleanor, I just agree that there is no reason for Ben to discontinue the list until even one subscriber is there. I would insist with him not to close it. That's nonsense. However, should that list be closed, we could help survivors to turn to our Italian list. We'll never close for sure, ever. Just for rescue. Ciao. Nunzio

Ing. Nunzio La Ferlita
Owner and Managing Director
CECIAA FUTURA di Nunzio La Ferlita
(Ditta Individuale)
Via Inama, 17
20133 Milano (Italy)
CF: LFR NNZ 44M05 C351D - IVA:  IT 08292010967 - Cam.Comm. MI 2016184
Phone +39 02 7000 52 06
Fax +39 02 73 95 23 21
Mobile: +39 3488720485
E-Mail: nunzio.laferl...@ceciaafutura.it - nl...@pc-vox.com;
Web: http://www.ceciaafutura.it

On 2016/05/30 10:26, Eleanor burke wrote:
Nunzio I discovered it was in Italian when I subscribed. oh ever, I am very 
disappointed that this list as to go because interestingly know that closing 
the list as Ben mentioned it is quite clear that there are a number of us here 
in the background receiving the emails as soon as they come in. if there was no 
longer any need for the list and if we felt we no longer required it we would 
all have unsubscribed by now.

On 30 May 2016, at 09:17, Nunzio La Ferlita - nl...@pc-vox.com 
<nl...@pc-vox.com> wrote:

Hi Eleanor,

the Italian list is in Italian. But if you write in English other English 
subscribees could grab your message if the English list goes shut down.

I am just proposing an emergency solution to this dramatic event of English 
List being dropped. That's all.

Hope you appreciate...


Ing. Nunzio La Ferlita
Owner and Managing Director
CECIAA FUTURA di Nunzio La Ferlita
(Ditta Individuale)
Via Inama, 17
20133 Milano (Italy)
CF: LFR NNZ 44M05 C351D - IVA:  IT 08292010967 - Cam.Comm. MI 2016184
Phone +39 02 7000 52 06
Fax +39 02 73 95 23 21
Mobile: +39 3488720485
E-Mail: nunzio.laferl...@ceciaafutura.it - nl...@pc-vox.com;
Web: http://www.ceciaafutura.it

On 2016/05/29 10:01, Eleanor burke wrote:
is your talks list in English or in its onion?

On 29 May 2016, at 08:10, Nunzio La Ferlita - nl...@pc-vox.com 
<nl...@pc-vox.com> wrote:


No questions about that.

If you need a TALKS list to play with just turn to the Italian one. This one:


our moderator is Camillo. You can find him here:


Besides, we are getting organized to provide Nokia TALKS suitable handsets on a 
large scale as well. In Italy we operate already successfully for a long time. 
We are ready and eager to expand everywhere.

Welcome to join us if you need a Nokia handset carefully refurbished and 
guaranteed three months, and a TALKS license.

Marcus is copied to inform him to help us keeping care of this great great 
software for a ong long time to come.

Regards to all of you

Nunzio La Ferlita

Ing. Nunzio La Ferlita
Owner and Managing Director
CECIAA FUTURA di Nunzio La Ferlita
(Ditta Individuale)
Via Inama, 17
20133 Milano (Italy)
CF: LFR NNZ 44M05 C351D - IVA:  IT 08292010967 - Cam.Comm. MI 2016184
Phone +39 02 7000 52 06
Fax +39 02 73 95 23 21
Mobile: +39 3488720485
E-Mail: nunzio.laferl...@ceciaafutura.it - nl...@pc-vox.com;
Web: http://www.ceciaafutura.it

On 2016/05/29 7:56, leonard morris wrote:
Well I certainly can understand your reasoning for closing the list. I want to 
thank anyone and everyone who helped me for the past few years. Lastly, while I 
do have an Iphone 6s plus my N86 is still my primary phone for calling and 
texting. I use the Iphone more or less like I would an Ipad. This might change 
in the future if the N86 stops working but as they say if it aint broke don't 
fix it. Good luck to all. Thanks again.

On 5/29/2016 1:36 AM, Eleanor burke wrote:
Dennis talks has burnt fantastic and it was talks that give me the opportunity 
to start sending text messages to receiving text messages and to going on the 
Internet with a mobile phone. if would be very sad for the list to close though 
I can understand that perhaps there are not so many Nokia phones that are 
accessible freely available now and talks itself but if there is any have to 
change it to keep the list going please please do keep it going and I am very 
happy to remain a member on the list and to give support to anybody requiring 

On 28 May 2016, at 18:31, Dennis Long <dennisl1...@gmail.com> wrote:

I want to thank the moderators.  Talks was invaluable to me. it showed me that 
cell phones can be accessible.  No screen reader matches the power of talks as 
far as functionality. There is no screen reader that has a dictionary like 

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On Behalf Of Eleanor burke
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Closing Down the TALKS List

very sorry to hear that you are closing the list. I do not know what I would've 
done without talks! I am now using iPhone but still have my Nokia with talks 
which I have as a spare and use it regularly.

On 28 May 2016, at 15:32, mattias <mjonsson1...@outlook.com> wrote:

but hello
why close the list?
if you dont have the time to drive the list?
anyone else maybe have it
e.g i'm

Den 5/28/2016 kl. 5:05 AM, skrev Len Burns:

We have decided it is time to close down this list.  There is no longer 
sufficient activity to justify the time and resources to maintain it.  I will 
take it off-line at midnight GMT, at the close of May.  I will keep the main 
list address forwarded to me for a while to catch any straggling questions. I 
will likely put up the archives for historical purposes.  TALKS was an 
important part of the history of accessible smart phone and eventually somebody 
will turn up who is interested.  I wish you all the best in times to come.  It 
has been journey.

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