Hello every one I too still use Talks on a daily basis and there are still things you can do with Talks that you can not do with an iphone I too have an iphone but talks has the user dictionary and the iphone does not it is also easier to put in a contact on my nokia n95 than it is on my iphone I guess I will use talks unpil my nokia dies. I would like to thank the delepors of talks and the owner and moderators of this list for doing a serperve job thanks to every one for all your help.

-----Original Message----- From: Dennis Long
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2016 1:31 PM
To: 'Talks Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Talks] Closing Down the TALKS List

I want to thank the moderators. Talks was invaluable to me. it showed me that cell phones can be accessible. No screen reader matches the power of talks as far as functionality. There is no screen reader that has a dictionary like talks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On Behalf Of Eleanor burke
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2016 11:56 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Closing Down the TALKS List

very sorry to hear that you are closing the list. I do not know what I would've done without talks! I am now using iPhone but still have my Nokia with talks which I have as a spare and use it regularly.

On 28 May 2016, at 15:32, mattias <mjonsson1...@outlook.com> wrote:

but hello
why close the list?
if you dont have the time to drive the list?
anyone else maybe have it
e.g i'm

Den 5/28/2016 kl. 5:05 AM, skrev Len Burns:

We have decided it is time to close down this list. There is no longer sufficient activity to justify the time and resources to maintain it. I will take it off-line at midnight GMT, at the close of May. I will keep the main list address forwarded to me for a while to catch any straggling questions. I will likely put up the archives for historical purposes. TALKS was an important part of the history of accessible smart phone and eventually somebody will turn up who is interested. I wish you all the best in times to come. It has been journey.

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Talks mailing list

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Talks mailing list

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Jesus dyed for us, why can't we live for him?
Talks mailing list

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