Normally you have to buy the license to run them. Depending on how you got the 
n86 like off another Talks user, they could have had that license.

Produced on a Nokia N95 smart phone using a Symbian based screen reader.
Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-original message-
Subject: [Talks] Latest Talks version
From: "Clive Pallett" <>
Date: 13/02/2014 6:36 AM

Hello fellow Talks users,

I have installed the latest version of Talks on my Nokia N86 phone.  I was sad 
to read in the release notification this will be the last version developed. 
For me, it has opened the world of mobile phone access and I know has helped 
many others too.  I will continue to use it as long as my phone keeps working.

Also, I noticed Vocalizer is now included with the installation file.  When I 
checked the speech files installed through Talks and Zooms settings, I found 
two voices, Daniel and Serena, but when I checked in application Manager I 
found another voice file installed which doesn't show up when selecting which 
speech engine to use.  I use eloquence for my preferred speech output and 
understand Vocalizer is separately licensed, but there is no indication these 
are demo versions.  Does this mean they are included as part of the Talks 
package or will we have to purchase a license to use the Vocalizer voices?

Best wishes,

Clive Pallett

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