As for getting the phone to say the name of the caller, you will need to go into menu, tools, profiles, and select the active profile... e.g. general, meeting, etc... then select personalize, then arrow to the "say name" option and turn that on. After that make sure you exit by pressing soft key 2 until you reach the stand by screen. As for the other question... go to menu, tools, settings, general, personalazation, stand by mode, then shortcuts. Here you will be able to change what the short cut keys are when on the stand by screen. You should note here that for the last question I was using my N85 to get you to the place you wanted so it may be slightly different with the N86 although similar. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Meyer" <>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 8:43 AM
Subject: [Talks] N86 How do you have talks say the name of the caller in Contact list and a menu question.

Have an N86.How do you get talks to say the name of the caller when phone
rings and the caller is in the contact list?
How do you remove a menu item? When my N86 comes on, it says new audio
message, contacts and reader. I can hit 1 for contacts and 2 for reader,
which I want to keep, but can't figure out how to get rid of new audio
message, thought it was a good shortcut to quickly get to new audio messages
from  phone call box. It never worked.
Thanks Scott

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