I note your Footer Neil. Tell me can Talks work well on the we b better than 
iOS or Mobil Speak? If so, how? Where have all our excellent Talks users gone 
from this list? It used to be such a thriving list but for the past year 
contributors have dropped off.
-----Original message-----
From: Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Sent:  01/07/2013, 8:43  am
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] When will be the next, talks update?

Wow, what pessimism, we get minor updates to Talks as Talks was and still is in 
many respects ahead of offerings on other platforms, there has been no 
confirmation that Talks is even close to stopping as of yet, and as for the 
developer, he is sighted and as such, this notion that he has jumped ship is 
rather daft.

In terms of you investing and updates, you bought a product, you got a product, 
there was no automatic right to a future update or upgrade, if one comes and it 
is free, or chargeable, well that is great for you, but, you have no right to 
it… As such, why are you so expectant of one?

There will be an update, I'm sure of it, just wait a little


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com

URL: - www.talknav.com
e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 26 Jun 2013, at 17:13, Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi <ingalagisi...@gmail.com> 

> sir, if talks will not update in future then cann we face any problem
> browsing on web? Particularly on cimbian products mobile. Right now I
> am using c5 handset whithout any problem. Also no problem in web
> browser. But still I have doubt ne on future. So kindly reply.
> On 6/26/13, Eleanor Burke <eleanorbu...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> No but with other voice phones we do now when updates come out.  I just
>> cannot believe how far behind Talks is getting.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stephen Giggar" <sgig...@gmail.com>
>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] When will be the next, talks update?
>>> No one knows when the next update will be out.
>>> Signed: Stephen Giggar
>>> Skype: dr-phone.
>>> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
>>> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Siddalingeshwar Ingalagi" <ingalagisi...@gmail.com>
>>> To: <talks@talksusers.com>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 2:54 AM
>>> Subject: [Talks] When will be the next, talks update?
>>>> dear all right now I am using latest talks 5.31 but I want to know
>>>> when will be update talks?
>>>> --
>>>> thanks and regards. State karnataka. Country india. My contact info:
>>>> current Mobile number: 9902434379. my old sim number: 8792639989.
>>>> E-mail ID ingalagisi...@gmail.com Follow me on twitter:
>>>> www.twitter.com/ingalagisiddu/ facebook ID: siddalingeshwar ingalagi.
>>>> please note my skype ID: siddalingeshwar2 have a niceDay.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Talks mailing list
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>>>> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
>>>> eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/
>>>> and
>>>> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Talks mailing list
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>>> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
>>> eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/
>>> and
>>> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/
>> _______________________________________________
>> Talks mailing list
>> Talks@talksusers.com
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>> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
>> eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/
>> and
>> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/
> -- 
> thanks and regards. State karnataka. Country india. My contact info:
> current Mobile number: 9902434379. my old sim number: 8792639989.
> E-mail ID ingalagisi...@gmail.com Follow me on twitter:
> www.twitter.com/ingalagisiddu/ facebook ID: siddalingeshwar ingalagi.
> please note my skype ID: siddalingeshwar2 have a niceDay.
> _______________________________________________
> Talks mailing list
> Talks@talksusers.com
> http://lists.talksusers.com/mailman/listinfo/talks
> Hosting of this list provided courtesy of:
> eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/
> and
> Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/

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Talks mailing list

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