Hi all,

I again have some requests for a maybe upcoming talks release, because I just 
 one comes out somewhen.

Below a list of features and improvements which I and maybe some other users 
want to have in a upcoming release.

What should be addeed?
1. Formatting the battery charge state so talks announces it in percent rhather 
than just in bars.
Rhather than just saying "Battery 6 bars", it says "Battery 85 percent"
My calculations resulted in a number being much longer, I've tried to round it.
2. Talks should announce that no Internet connection is available in the case a 
web page is not loaded during a specified time, let's say 60 seconds.

What should be fixed?
Currently I see just one item to fix, so:
With talks 5.30 listboxes on a web page don't work. With 5.22 they dit.

Thanks for reading.
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