Hi Jim
Here is an example of how to copy text in an edit area, e.g. if someone
sends you a link in an e-mail, it is in read only mode so you will need to
put the text of the e-mail in edit mode by either pressing Reply or Forward.
Then arrow down to the beginning of the text you want to copy. You will
need your cursor in character mode for this so if you have had it in
origional, then change to cursor mode by pressing Talks key followed by a
long press of the number 2 key on your keypad. This is a 3-way toggle and
one of the modes is character.
Bring up the options menu (soft key one) and select editing options
Press soft key one to start highlighting and then arrow right until the
radio link is highlighted.
Press soft key two to copy. Then go in to your Browser and see if you can
paste in to your search field.
If the above does not work for you try this:
Press and hold the hash key, whilst holding it right arrow across or
left arrow across what ever you wish to copy / cut, now when you've finished
highlighting, release hash, now press star, arrow down to the editing
options which is normally the bottom option.press Copy and then go to Google
and see if you can paste in to your Browser. Honestly I do not know as I
never do this kind of thing and I do not have your phone model. Anyway it
is a start.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim L" <jimsc...@tpg.com.au>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: [Talks] Emailed radio links in n86
Heya folks,
Have sent a few radio links to my n86 via email one in plain text the
in html, the problems lies when I try and click on these links in both
type they either tries to load up the browser or it wants me to call the
radio link, none loads up internet radio or real player, anyone know what
I'm doing wrong?
Also how do I manually copy a full line of text in a email with talks then
try and paste it into internet radio that way?
Any help will be appreciated.
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