Just a thought Jim, do you have your cursor mode set to origional when you try 
and open the link?
-original message-
Subject: [Talks] Emailed radio links in n86
From: "Jim L" <jimsc...@tpg.com.au>
Date: 24/04/2012 5:28 am

Heya folks,

Have sent a few radio links to my n86 via email one in plain text the other
in html, the problems lies when I try and click on these links in both email
type they either tries to load up the browser or it wants me to call the
radio link, none loads up internet radio or real player, anyone know what
I'm doing wrong?

Also how do I manually copy a full line of text in a email with talks then
try and paste it into internet radio that way?

Any help will be appreciated.



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