Hi Eleanor,
While I can access the Internet with my E6 this is very slow and labourious for
me. I am wondering if anyone can help. My problem is this, if for example I
go on to the main BBC website and arrow down to the link for Radio 4. Once I
select this link if I then select a link for a programme, let's call it the
Archers. Now I want to find my way back on to the BBC home page where I
started, I just can't do this. I have to end up coming right out and going
back to Google or my Bookmark
The function of the "back" button has changed in recent browser updates,
and now presents a completely inaccessible list of page thumbnails.
However, there is a setting that allows "Back" to be changed to go back
just one page:
Settings > General > Back button > Previous page
This enables a much more accessible behaviour of the Back button again.
ciao marcus
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