Hi all,
while I am at a conference in Boston this week, just a quick note to
confirm that I am following the discussions about the issues with TALKS
and form fields (text areas and combo boxes) in the latest web browser.
As far as I can see, only the text area bug looks like it is really new
in TALKS 5.30, while the problems with combo boxes are actually due to a
bug in the new Nokia Browser 7.3 (released last summer) that makes
focusing combo boxes somewhat hit-and-miss. Perhaps the workarounds
suggested by some of you will still make it possible to make them
accessible, but so far I haven't found a reliable way of doing so.
I'll look into these bugs when I am back next week - unfortunately the
overhead for Symbian Signing a new release always means that from the
moment the last test has been completed, there is another two-week delay
before the version can actually be distributed publicly for the first
time. This is typically the reason for waiting at least for the first
month or so of feedback on a new release before deciding how the next
patch will look, and when it can be released - but I agree that the text
area bug is something that should probably be addressed sooner rather
than later...
Hope this clears up a few things.
ciao marcus
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