Thanks Maurice. I for one recall you making these comments at5 the time when you tried out the iPhone. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Maurice Press" <>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone

Hi All.

I know I said I'd take a backseat from now on however, I wanted to make a
couple of comments regarding my  experiences with using the iPhone.

As members of the list will have observed, I am a great supporter of Talks
and love Nokia smart phones.

A little while ago I purchased an iPhone 4 to see what I thought of it.

I have always used an iPod touch for my music and leisure so was familiar
with the Apple lay-out.

Now let me say again that this is my personal experience.
Firstly, I found the quality of the iPhone quite poor - in that I mean the
sound compared to my Nokia or previous phones.
The main thing however was texting. I found this to be extremely slow and although I spent time using the iPhone I never got much speed up to any of
my Nokia phones.
Also,  Since IOS 65 upgrade,  I have never liked the new voice we were
foisted with.

I know there are those who carry around a portable bluetooth or Bluetooth
Braille keyboard but  be honest,  I want to carry as little with me as
possible not 2 or 3 devices that are connected to the    one phone ETC.

I would finish by perhaps asking that unanswered question, Does one want to
buyh a phone for the "Phone"  or all the other communication requirements.
Just some observations.

Maurice Press

Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team

T: +44 (0)  208 943 0022
F: +44 (0) 208 943 5162

Company  Registration Number: 5191276.

Registered Office Address:
DRT: 2nd Floor, 6 Park  Road, Teddington,  Middlesex,  TW11 0AA.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 18 March 2012 21:39
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone

Christopher I am very pleased to read what you write below re Talks and
iPhone. I am aware of more and more blind people making the move over to
iPhone and I am thinking seriously about it for my necxt phone, however, I
have been a Talks user for 4 years now and my appeal here is to the Talks
developers not to let the iPhone and Android take over the market of screen
readers for the blind. My Symbian S60 has met all my needs up to 2011 but
Talks is not meeting my needs at present. What then are my problems?

1. E-mail accessability is not what it was. I cannot seem to find a way on
my E6 to save a new e-mail address.
2. As pointed out by another list member, over a week ago, the Edit boxes in
Twitter and Facebook have Talks continually saying edit box while one is
writing. Yet this has only become an issue with Talks released in February
2012. What surprises me is that such an issue is not known at release time. Surely the developers run through e-mail, internet and social network sites
prior to release.
3. Despite all I said over months about the work around on E6 to start
writing in a word document. My comments were not listened to.

Finally Talks developers, I love Talks and do not want to stop using this
excellent and reasonably priced software, but if my comments and those of
other users fall on deaf ears, then we may be forced to go out and purchase
an alternative mobile device than the symbian S60 one.
-----Original message-----
From: Christopher Chaltain
Sent:  18/03/2012, 3:28  pm
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: [Talks] I just bought an iPhone

Well, after being a happy Symbian and Talks user for almost exactly 9 years,
I finally decided to get a new smart phone, and this time I went with an
iPhone. Not that why I did so is important to anyone, but I'll include some of my thoughts below, as well as how much I appreciate Talks and the Symbian

I started using Talks while it was still in beta back at the end of 2002. I got a Nokia 9290 communicator, and I think this, in conjunction with Talks, was the first fully accessible smart phone available to the blind. I've had
2 Symbian phones since then, the Nokia N75 and the AT&T Nokia E71X. Each
phone had it's strengths and weaknesses, but in general, I've never been
disappointed with Symbian or Talks.

My decision to go with an iPhone was a tough one, although that was as much philosophical as anything else. I type on my E71X much less than I used to,
so the thought of going with a touch only device became less of a concern
for me. I was kind of waiting for the Droid 4 (which will have a keyboard),
but I wasn't sure when or if AT&T would ever carry the Droid 4, and after
reading multiple reviews of Android and Ice Cream Sandwich, it seemed like
I'd be waiting quite a while for Android to catch up with the iPhone with
respect to accessibility.

The closed nature of the iPhone also concerned me when comparing it to an
Android, or even a Symbian, phone, but I use the cloud more and more, and I
eventually decided that I could leverage the cloud enough to minimize my
need to use Windows or iTunes.

I also started finding myself needing an IOS or Android device for work and
wanting one for personal use, e.g. the apps I needed for work or wanted to
use personally were only available on the IOS or Android platforms. Although
there isn't anything wrong with my E71X, it is starting to show it's age,
and once I decided Android would be playing catch up with the iPhone with
respect to accessibility for quite some time to come, even given Ice Cream
Sandwich. I decided there was no longer any reason to wait.

I just want to say that I never slammed the iPhone, so I don't think I'm
being hypocritical at all. I still feel the Symbian device and Talks are
perfectly adequate solutions for the right situation, and I don't think
anyone needs to feel like they're being left behind if they choose to
continue to use a Symbian device for another handset or two. It's all about
what you want and what gets the job done.

I just want to conclude by letting the Talks developers and this list know
how much I appreciated the technological advances made by the Talks
developers. They were truly visionaries. I also want this list to know how
much I appreciated the support I got from this list and it's members. I'm
convinced that without Symbian, Talks and this list, I would not have been a
satisfied blind smart phone user these past nine years.

I'll hang out on this list for a bit, and I'm sure I'll see some of you on
more generic lists, but eventually I'll have to unsubscribe from this list,
unless of course, I can't stand the iPhone and come back to Talks!
Wow, this all seems a bit melodramatic, but Talks and this list have
actually been a big part of my life for most of a decade, so I hope y'all
will forgive my drama! Good luck everyone in that quest for the perfect
smart phone for your own situation!

Christopher (CJ)
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