I have the cursor set to letters. I doon't ever see any options except for 
email-related ones like "reply" and "forward". It's too bad that it doesn't 
seem to work.
--- Original message ---
Subject: RE: [Talks] Email on cell phone
Date: 3/12/2012 5:23:36 PM
Fron: "Eleanor Burke" <eleanorbu...@btinternet.com>
To: "hsim...@bezeqint.net" <hsim...@bezeqint.net>

> Do you have options in drop down box when you select linkk?
> One of these mi=
> ght be to open link. Do you have cursor set to origional?
> What about the op=
> tions when you are on the link and you press soft key 1.=20
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Haya Simkin
> Sent:  12/03/2012, 3:16  PM
> To: TALKS mailing list=20
> Subject: [Talks] Email on cell phone
> Hi everyone. I now have TALKS v5.cj. I have a gmail account
> on my nokia e52=
>  that I use to forward YouTube videos to that people send
> me. Before I had =
> v5.30, it wouldn't say anything and it wouldn't open the
> link. Now, it just=
>  says "browser" and still doesn't open the link. If I press
> the select butt=
> on, it gives me options like "reply" and "forward". How can
> I open the link=
> ?
> Haya
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