Thank you very much. I once tried setting all the keypad shortcuts as "no 
shortcut" (I think that's what it's called, but that's what it means) and it 
didn't help. Thank you very much.
--- Original message ---
Subject: Re: [Talks] TALKS not giving much information
Date: 2/18/2012 5:59:03 PM
Fron: "Stephen Giggar" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>

> Yes you need to update to the latest version of Talks. That
> is version
> 5.22.3. This is most of your issues. Next you need to go in
> and configure
> your internet options to turn off the key shortcuts within
> the settings for
> the internet browser.
> When ever you get a new phone or a replacement phone you
> should always go
> through the main settings of the phone and the internet
> browser to set them
> to the way you want them. If you do not do that, then you
> can expect the
> phone to behave differently then what you may expect. What
> things to change
> will depend on wha tyou like your settings as. It sounds
> like you ahve not
> done that.
> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.
> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Haya Simkin" <>
> To: "TALKS mailing list" <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:13 AM
> Subject: [Talks] TALKS not giving much information
> My name is Haya Simkin. I just joined the list. I have a
> Noia e52. I've had
> it fixed a few times since last September and ever since
> then, it doesn't
> read very much when using the internet browser properly. I
> use YouTube a
> fair amount and it only says something like "Page has 34
> links" or however
> many links it has. It refuses to read anything else. Also,
> the TALKS
> shortcuts like the number 2 key to go from textbox to
> textbox and the number
> 5 key to go from link to link. Instead, I get the keypad
> shortcuts that they
> represent.
> Another issue I have is that the TALKS doesn't read the
> maps function of the
> GPS on my phone very well. It won't even read the options
> to me.
> I have a few questions regarding these problems. #a. Has
> anyone incounterthe
> this before? 2. Is there anything to do about them to fix
> this? 3. What is
> the latest TALKS version and can it help me? I have version
> 5.00.3.
> I forgot to say that the internet radio isn't as accessible
> z it once was.
> The TALKS dkesn't read me the saved stations or what
> station I was last
> listening like it used to.
> I hope you have some solutions.
> Haya
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