Yes you need to update to the latest version of Talks. That is version 5.22.3. This is most of your issues. Next you need to go in and configure your internet options to turn off the key shortcuts within the settings for the internet browser.

When ever you get a new phone or a replacement phone you should always go through the main settings of the phone and the internet browser to set them to the way you want them. If you do not do that, then you can expect the phone to behave differently then what you may expect. What things to change will depend on wha tyou like your settings as. It sounds like you ahve not done that.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Haya Simkin" <>
To: "TALKS mailing list" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:13 AM
Subject: [Talks] TALKS not giving much information

My name is Haya Simkin. I just joined the list. I have a Noia e52. I've had it fixed a few times since last September and ever since then, it doesn't read very much when using the internet browser properly. I use YouTube a fair amount and it only says something like "Page has 34 links" or however many links it has. It refuses to read anything else. Also, the TALKS shortcuts like the number 2 key to go from textbox to textbox and the number 5 key to go from link to link. Instead, I get the keypad shortcuts that they represent.

Another issue I have is that the TALKS doesn't read the maps function of the GPS on my phone very well. It won't even read the options to me.

I have a few questions regarding these problems. #a. Has anyone incounterthe this before? 2. Is there anything to do about them to fix this? 3. What is the latest TALKS version and can it help me? I have version 5.00.3.

I forgot to say that the internet radio isn't as accessible z it once was. The TALKS dkesn't read me the saved stations or what station I was last listening like it used to.

I hope you have some solutions.


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