Thanks for that 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 27 January 2012 17:18
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone

It is on the right above the number pad and to the right of the arrow 
buttons.  In this area there is a button flush to the phone which is the end

call and also the on/off button.  Above it is a fine raised key which is 
horizontal and is the clear/delete key and above that is the soft key 2 or 
exit button which again is flush to the phone.  May I remind you that by 
pressing the Talks key and 0 you can get in to training mode and here all 
keys will be announced by Talks.  This training mode is a toggle key.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hugh" <>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone

> Hi need some info re the c 5 have a friend who has a c 5 but tells me he 
> can
> not find any button to turn it off am not able to meet him for a few weeks
> to have a look could someone tell me where on the phone I could find the
> button to turn it off  and on please so I can let him know thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On
> Behalf Of Stephen Giggar
> Sent: 26 January 2012 23:19
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone
> Also keep in mind, you do not need to keep pressing the Talks key while
> pressing 6 to raze the volume. They need to press the Talks key releae it
> and then press the number 6 to raze volume.
> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.
> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Eleanor Burke" <>
> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone
>> Your friend is correct re using Talks key and number 6 on the keypad in
>> relation to Talks volume but if your friend means volume in relation to
>> music, then there is a volume up and volume down on the right side of the
>> phone, I mean side and not right of front panel.  Clearly your friend 
>> know
>> if hitting the Talks key as it will say Talks.  The Talks default key on
>> the C5 is above the number pad and to the left of the left arrow key.  It
>> is like a raised horizontal line, below which is the call key and above
>> which is the soft key one or options key.  To the right of the right 
>> arrow
>> there is again a raised key, identical to the Talks one and this is the
>> clear/delete key.  Below it is the key for turning on and off and above
>> the clear/delete is the soft key 2 or exit key.  The phone is a candy-bar
>> type as is numeric.  Nice slim phone but it does not have wi-fi 
>> capability
>> so if your friend wants to move on to having e-mail and Internet, that
>> will be through the service provider.  It is a very good basic phone. 
>> The
>> RNIB sell these phones so they may have a User's Guide in a format that
>> suits your friend.
>> Eleanor
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Carla Savage" <>
>> To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:25 PM
>> Subject: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone
>>> Hi All,
>>> I wonder whether you would be kind enough to help a friend of mine whose
>>> not on this list. She has just purchased a Nokia C5 with Talks. The 
>>> first
>>> thing she tolde me was that to turn the volume up on her phone, she has
>>> to press the Talks key and hold it and then press the number 6 key. That
>>> doesn't sound right at all and I'm wondering  which key is the talks key
>>> and has anyone else had any problems with using the shortcuts to 
>>> changing
>>> volume, speed of speech etc. Can someone outline which keys do what just
>>> in case the Talks key isn't where she thinks it is.
>>> Her other concern is that the speech volume seems low. What's the take 
>>> on
>>> this? I'm wondering whether the speech is set on 16KHZ and not on the 
>>> old
>>> setting.
>>> She did say that if there is another C5 user who is based in the UK who
>>> wouldn't mind giving her a hand, then I could give her details to the C5
>>> expert.
>>> Your help would very much be appreciated as I don't like to see a friend
>>> distressed. Unfortunately, I'm not a C5 user and don't live that close 
>>> to
>>> her so can't rush to her assistance but can only offer help over the
>>> phone.
>>> Thank you for any assistance.
>>> Take care,
>>> Carla.
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