Well I am in the UK and have C5 but I am not sure that I could offer any support other than phone support.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carla Savage" <ca...@astromech.demon.co.uk>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: [Talks] Using a Nokia C5 phone

Hi All,
I wonder whether you would be kind enough to help a friend of mine whose not on this list. She has just purchased a Nokia C5 with Talks. The first thing she tolde me was that to turn the volume up on her phone, she has to press the Talks key and hold it and then press the number 6 key. That doesn't sound right at all and I'm wondering which key is the talks key and has anyone else had any problems with using the shortcuts to changing volume, speed of speech etc. Can someone outline which keys do what just in case the Talks key isn't where she thinks it is.

Her other concern is that the speech volume seems low. What's the take on this? I'm wondering whether the speech is set on 16KHZ and not on the old setting.

She did say that if there is another C5 user who is based in the UK who wouldn't mind giving her a hand, then I could give her details to the C5 expert. Your help would very much be appreciated as I don't like to see a friend distressed. Unfortunately, I'm not a C5 user and don't live that close to her so can't rush to her assistance but can only offer help over the phone.

Thank you for any assistance.
Take care,

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