Thanks for the "what we can do" message Eleanor. In that same vain, I'm determined to find some new apps that we can use. It's hard going, but I have a couple to tell about. NFL Scores. I found a little app that gives the NFL foot ball scores. It works on my e6 and my E73. It dowsn't work at the moment on my 701 whicxh is Bell and I haven't tried it on my n95. It loads I would say like an email message. It says "special wigit" instead of browser. But you read the page by talks down arrow. then you can arrow line by line if you want. I used it on Sunday to keep up with game scores. I don't think it auto updates and I couldn't exit out of it. But I just hit the end button and that seemed to close it because when I checked the open apps it wasn't there. It gives each game, the sore of each team, what down and yard line their on at the moment and how much time is left in the quarter. For the games that haven't started yet it gives the start time. Quite usable. If anyone is interested let me know off list and I'll send it to you. Another is the little clock app called TimeBar. I haven't been able to put it on my n97 minni, E6 or 701 because those phones are harder to get past the expired certificate issue. I have a version now that is signed and it works on all my phones I have put it on including my 701 symbian bell. I've also been able to put BRead on my E6 and 701 also and it works fine on both phones. I don't use it that much any more since daisy2go works on those phones, but I was glad to figure out a way to put it on them to see if it works. Remember there are many apps on the blindsea website to use on your phones. I'll keep reporting as I find apps we can use.

At 04:54 PM 11/14/2011, you wrote:
Hi All
For a change I am not asking a question, rather information giving for anyone who has not made this discovery. I can now manage my DAISY Player, reading a book from my home screen and what's more I can select the different play functions by arrowing across each symbol and selecting on it. I have found this out by choosing from the widget catalogue to put the music player on the active home screen. On this particular screen I have date which Talks announces and profile which is Outdoor, then I have my Calandar and below it the music player and below that 4 bookmarks. While getting used to what I am doing tonight I found that once I was on the 1st bookmark I could arrow up once and then I was on the music player and could arrow across for all the functions, play, pause and forward. I have a book on it at present and when on the FF key I could go forward chapter by chapter. As I say it is above my bookmarks and below my Calandar so possible to find. Who knows in time and future releases maybe Talks will even announce these symbols. I will live in hope definitely as I want Talks to continue going and not to get drowned by Apple.

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