Hi Eleanor,

I think this should not be hard to implement for future release.


Allan (WKF)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eleanor Burke" <eleanorbu...@btinternet.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 07:54
Subject: [Talks] E6 and DAISy Player

Hi All
For a change I am not asking a question, rather information giving for anyone 
who has not made this discovery.  I can now manage my 
DAISY Player, reading a book from my home screen and what's more I can select 
the different play functions by arrowing across each 
symbol and selecting on it.  I have found this out by choosing from the widget 
catalogue to put the music player on the active home 
screen.  On this particular screen I have date which Talks announces and 
profile which is Outdoor, then I have my Calandar and below 
it the music player and below that 4 bookmarks.  While getting used to what I 
am doing tonight I found that once I was on the 1st 
bookmark I could arrow up once and then I was on the music player and could 
arrow across for all the functions, play, pause and 
forward.  I have a book on it at present and when on the FF key I could go 
forward chapter by chapter.  As I say it is above my 
bookmarks and below my Calandar so possible to find.  Who knows in time and 
future releases maybe Talks will even announce these 
symbols.  I will live in hope definitely as I want Talks to continue going and 
not to get drowned by Apple.

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