try hard reset and see your luck.

to perform hard reset on n82, power off the phone, press * key, number 3, call 
key and hold down this 3 keys and get someone to help 
you  to press the power key. after the phone vibrate, let go the finger on the 
power button, but still keep pressing the 3 keys 
until the nokia logo appear or the nokia start up tone.


Allan (WKF)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Puchta" <>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 22:39
Subject: Re: [Talks] my nokia c5 not reading emails

Hi all.  Steven I hope you know the answer to this one!  I was
updating my N82 this morning and the power crashed.  When it came
back, my phone which was in the middle of a Nokia upgrade will not
turn on.  Is this a fatal error that can be corrected, or am I likely
toast?  Thank you.
At 05:22 AM 9/13/2011, you wrote:
>What!? The Talks software on the blind sea site and or any other web
>site you get it from is just that software. This software isn't just
>for premium users. This software is for all users regardless of the
>type of license that they have. If they have a standard license it
>will work. If they have a premium license it will work. Now if you
>have a old standard license from 3 or more years ago, then yes I can
>see whare it may not work. But this is spelled out in the Talks
>release notes as far as what version of licenses it will work with.
>So if you got a phone from vodacom with Talks on it within the last
>year! There should be no reason at all why it will not work with the
>latest version of Talks regardless of whare you download and install
>it from. Be that from some dealer web site like Talknav or the blind
>sea web site or any other web site.
>As far as that goes, if you have a premium license from back in
>early 2007 and haven't updated it, then you would have the same
>issue with any version above 4.x of Talks. As far as it only running
>in 10 minute trial mode.
>Talks 5.20.3 and 5.21.3 are minor updates. So if your Talks licenses
>work for Talks 5.00.3 it would also work for 5.20.3 and Talks 5.21.3.
>Signed: Stephen Giggar
>Skype: dr-phone.
>Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
>No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Van Der Walt Riana"
>To: "Talks Mailing List" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:01 AM
>Subject: Re: [Talks] my nokia c5 not reading emails
>>Wellington, just beware that if you have the standard talks version
>>provided by vodacom, the relevant upgrade from the blindsea site may in
>>all probability only work in demo mode, until you purchase the premium
>>talks version.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: []
>>On Behalf Of Andrew Lamanche
>>Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 11:01 PM
>>To: Talks Mailing List
>>Subject: Re: [Talks] my nokia c5 not reading emails
>>Dear Wellington,
>>This is what I did to solve your problem, thanks to the list members. I
>>needed to upgrade my Talks software. I wasn't aware that a new version
>>of Talks had been released before I had upgraded my phone software.
>>1. Go to the website
>>and find the link "mobile screen readers". Look for the link Talks and
>>then choose the download of the latest version of Talks. You need to
>>install it in order to solve the problem.
>>I use a mackintosh computer so I will give you steps I took to install
>>the latest version of Talks.
>>1. i downloaded the latest version of Talks from the website above -
>>Talks_521_3.  Using bluetooth. I had sent the relevant files to my phone
>>via bluetooth and they appeared as messages in my inbox.
>>2. I then installed talks_521_3_signed.sisx and relevant voice file on
>>my phone. This can be done without sight as you do not have to
>>deactivate Talks while doing so.
>>Hope this helps.
>>On 12 Sep 2011, at 18:10, Wellington Pike wrote:
>>>dear list members, i also experience the very same problem which is
>>being experienced by andrew. my nokia c5 does not read email after i did
>>some software update. funny enough, when forwarding the email, it reads
>>it, but, still it does not when i just open the emails for reading.
>>please help. wellington pike
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James Puchta, Ph.D., LMHC, CCMHC
Director of Benefits
Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
3601 Hempstead Turnpike
Suite 208
Levittown, NY 11756
Phone: (516) 796-0144
Fax: (516) 520-1247 

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