Dear Wellington,

This is what I did to solve your problem, thanks to the list members. I needed 
to upgrade my Talks software. I wasn't aware that a new version of Talks had 
been released before I had upgraded my phone software.
1. Go to the website
and find the link "mobile screen readers". Look for the link Talks and then 
choose the download of the latest version of Talks. You need to install it in 
order to solve the problem.

I use a mackintosh computer so I will give you steps I took to install the 
latest version of Talks.
1. i downloaded the latest version of Talks from the website above - 
Talks_521_3.  Using bluetooth. I had sent the relevant files to my phone via 
bluetooth and they appeared as messages in my inbox. 
2. I then installed talks_521_3_signed.sisx and relevant voice file on my 
phone. This can be done without sight as you do not have to deactivate Talks 
while doing so.

Hope this helps.

On 12 Sep 2011, at 18:10, Wellington Pike wrote:

> dear list members, i also experience the very same problem which is being 
> experienced by andrew. my nokia c5 does not read email after i did some 
> software update. funny enough, when forwarding the email, it reads it, but, 
> still it does not when i just open the emails for reading. please help. 
> wellington pike
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