Hi Srikanth.

I have an E6 here and most w of what you are trying to do is quite possible.

However,  may I make just one point.
The E6 is a great phone and the real  plus is that  a lot of the functions
can be accessed using the touch screen.
If I have read your message correctly,  you do not want to use the touch
screen  but the qwerty keypad and the 4-way joystick.  Why if that's the
case do you want to  get an E6 as surely the main reason is to use some of
the touch screen technology features.
I'm not being critical in anyway,  just pointing out that the touch screen
is a  main part of the phone.

Maurice Press.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Srikanth Kanuri
Sent: 08 September 2011 11:44
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] E6 Questions please

hi Allan, there is no exit button on E 6 what is the replacement key
for that for talks commands? for example: for knowing status of
network, battery indication number of characters left in a message
Etc. without using touch is there a way to access the options window
of Messages window or other windows as options key is absent? is it
possible to assign application shortcuts to 4 way navigator like in
previous phones? few icons on home screen are not read by talks is it
the case with all users or am i doing wrong?

expecting all of your help.

On 9/7/11, Allan <em...@nextg.my> wrote:
> hi Mario Forte,
>> In order for me to dial phone numbers with the E6, are there numbers on
>> the qwerty keypad?
> yes, RTY=123, FGH=456, VBN= 789 and UJM=*#0.
>> How do i get the talks help mode? Is it talks + 0?
> yes, talks+0.
>> I seem to remember someone on the list once said that the talks key on
>> E6 is the 2nd key to the left of the spacebar. Is that
>> correct?
> no, . the key on the left of the spacebar.
>> Is it possible to switch between the qwerty UI & the screen UI for data
>> entery & commands? Can i use one or the other? Or are both
>> qwerty keypad & screen UI's active at the same time?
> both available at the same time. or maybe i get you wrongly, please
> what you are asking.
>> Is the battery removable on the E6 like it is on the N86?.
> yes, removable.
> --
> Allan (WKF)
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