hi Allan, there is no exit button on E 6 what is the replacement key
for that for talks commands? for example: for knowing status of
network, battery indication number of characters left in a message
Etc. without using touch is there a way to access the options window
of Messages window or other windows as options key is absent? is it
possible to assign application shortcuts to 4 way navigator like in
previous phones? few icons on home screen are not read by talks is it
the case with all users or am i doing wrong?

expecting all of your help.

On 9/7/11, Allan <em...@nextg.my> wrote:
> hi Mario Forte,
>> In order for me to dial phone numbers with the E6, are there numbers on
>> the qwerty keypad?
> yes, RTY=123, FGH=456, VBN= 789 and UJM=*#0.
>> How do i get the talks help mode? Is it talks + 0?
> yes, talks+0.
>> I seem to remember someone on the list once said that the talks key on the
>> E6 is the 2nd key to the left of the spacebar. Is that
>> correct?
> no, . the key on the left of the spacebar.
>> Is it possible to switch between the qwerty UI & the screen UI for data
>> entery & commands? Can i use one or the other? Or are both
>> qwerty keypad & screen UI's active at the same time?
> both available at the same time. or maybe i get you wrongly, please explain
> what you are asking.
>> Is the battery removable on the E6 like it is on the N86?.
> yes, removable.
> --
> Allan (WKF)
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