When you make or receive a call the handset talks directly to a satellite.
So if you were in a part of the world where there were no mobile networks
your satellite phone would still work. they cost a lot to use but the price
is coming down. They do both audio and video calls but the latter cost a lot
more again. So instead of the handset only having a gps receiver it has the
ability to receive and transmit directly to the satellite. When using one
if the signal starts to break up you have to point the phone in a different
direction. The first satellite handsets were quite large and you had to use
a small satellite dish I think now they have telescopic aerials.
Anyway I hope to visit a telstra shop in the next few days and explore one.
Now they don't work inside some building nore in underground stations. This
is why a handset that did both satellite and gsn would be perfect if they
are made yet
Reporters use satellite handsets especially when reporting from war zones as
you don't nee to use infrastructure that could be bombed to bits any time
Bernard Hemmings
email: bern...@bhemmings.net
Skype: Bernard Hemmings
Ftp server email: ser...@bhemmings.net
ftp server address: livingaudio.bhemmings.net
Home: 61-02-95841280
Mobile: 61-0412177799
----- Original Message -----
From: "padmanabham" <padmanabam.mu...@gmail.com>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] talks and satellite phones.
what is satelite phone? how it works?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernard Hemmings" <li...@bhemmings.net>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:37 PM
Subject: [Talks] talks and satellite phones.
Today I heard a Telstra add about joining their satellite network.
I'm very interested in a satellite phone but I hope to find a handset
that would use the normal cellular network but if it was not available
then the handset would switch to the satellite network.
I am betting such a handset would not be available as yet.
However if I do find a suitable satellite phone I would be very tempted .
So is there a version of talks for any satellite phones as yet and if not
but a talks version is coming which satellite handset would it be best to
I'm interested in this because frequently in this area the telstra 3g
network is down so the old network is used which gives me 3 bars only.
Plus I like the idea of having a phone that should work anywhere on the
face of the planet.Does anyone know what operating systems these phones
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