Thanks Alan.

Very much appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: 16 May 2011 12:53
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia N8 touch screen -

hi Maurice,

you wrote:
> When I press "Contacts" on the touch screen and all my contacts appear,  I
then slide out the Qwerty keyboard and say hit the
> letter M for Maurice. Now,  once Maurice is spoken, is there a way on the
Qwerty keyboard to OK this and go into the contact or
> does this have to be done by selecting it from the touch screen. I
remember that  on my N97  there was an OK button in the middle
> of the cursor.

it is a totally a different story for S^3 phones compared to N97 or older
nokia phones. when you type a letter "m" and after that
you type a letter "a", you may landed to a list of names which is begin with
"ma", let say there're 3 names with the begin of "ma",
e.g. mandy, marthy and maurice, for older nokia phones, it will selected at
the first name, but for S^3 phones, it will not selected
at any names, you must move the arrow key to select the first name on the

> When I answer a call,  it's a bit hit and miss finding the "Answer"  icon
on the touch screen.  I use the Talks key and On/Off  to
> answer and hang up. Is there a way to set the phone so any key would
answer a call including the talks key?

the answer key is appear on the left side of the screen and it is about 1
inch up from the bottom of the phone. you must tap the
key2 to mute the ringer and navigate the screen to read the caller ID and
also to find the answer key. talks 5.20 does provide with
the talks+power and talks+longpower to answer and hang off calls
respectively. unfortunately nokia has removed the "any key answer"
from the S^3 phones.



Allan (WKF)

"Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish
the people around them."

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