Hi Alan,

Yes I've found  Organise and wondered why I couldn't get it to do that much.
That's extremely helpful

Maurice Press

Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team

T: +44 (0)  208 943 0022
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Company  Registration Number: 5191276.

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-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: 26 April 2011 15:32
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia N8 touch screen -

oh, i get you now. but the bad news is, we cannot do it without sighted
assistant. this is the current lag in features for talks.

when you launch menu, press option, there're 6 option, select organise and
at this point you should be able to move around those
icons, but you need to drag those icon to the place you want, therefore you
need a sighted assistant.



Allan (WKF)

"Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish
the people around them."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 22:21
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia N8 touch screen -

Hi Alan,
 Firstly,  Thank you so much for your responses and helpful advice.

What I meant was this.

On my Nokia N86,  if I go to the main menu and then say to "Contacts",  when
I go into options,  one of the options is to move contacts      either up
the menu  or save it  in another folder.

Now on  my N8,  I can get  an option to save to another folder  but I cannot
find an option to say move Contacts  or messages up the list so that when I
press the menu button it becomes the first entry.

Does this make any sense?

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: 26 April 2011 15:09
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia N8 touch screen - sending

> 1. you said in your email that I could activate a shortcut bar widget on
the homescreen and the widget can holds 4 shortcuts, you
> can have one of these shortcut for contacts. i Can you explain how  I do
this or would I need sighted assistance?

for a start, i think you will need a sighted that capable to help you. he or
she must understand on how to edit/remove/modify the N8
homescreen. if i'm not wrong, by default there's already a shortcut widget
on the homescreen, but talks does not recognize those
icon and when you slide your finger on it, talks will only read icon icon
icon. as you may know or may not know, n8's hoamescreen
have 3 pages in it, but unfortunately for us, only the first page is
useable. talks will not read anything at the 2nd and the 3rd
page. so remove the 2nd and the 3rd page is better for us.

> 2. I understand that I can put my most used contacts in a "Favourites"
folder.   Is this correct and can I put them somewhere
> accessible.

favorites means it will have a widget on the homescreen which can holds 20
favorites contacts. but unfortunately our latest talks
5.20 will not handle this widget correctly, so it could be useless for us.

> On the main menu,  I don't seem to be  ablew to move say messages up to
the top whereas I could on previous nokia phones.  Can
> this be done?

not sure what do you mean in this question, some example may help.


Allan (WKF)

"Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish
the people around them."
-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Allan
Sent: 26 April 2011 14:05
To: 'Talks Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Talks] Nokia N8 touch screen - sending and receiving

> 1. when I try to send a text to a contact I've been  told by a colleague
that,  the quick way is pressing the call button to get
> my contacts up and then if I type the first letters of the name a list
will appear. However, when I get what  looks like the
> usual number pad keyboard rather than the Qwerty one,  when I try typing
letters, all I'm getting is Numbers. I would rather use
> the number and letter keypad at this time rather than the querty. So,  how
do I get the  letters to come up?  I've had a sighted
> colleague try this as well and she has the  same results. Have I been
given wrong information. I could always go to contacts that
> way.

there's 2 method to reach to the contacts book in N8. first way is somewhat
the same as what you are doing, but you are missing
something. when you press "call key2", you will be present with the
numbering pad for you to call someone with the phone number.
before you dial any number, there's another 3 extra buttons located at the
right side of the numbering pad is "clear", next to
number3, "dials number" next to number6 and 9, and lastly "contacts" next to
the # button. so you should tab to the contacts button
to bring up the contacts book. the second method is, you activate a shortcut
bar widget on the homescreen and the widget can holds 4
shortcuts, you can have one of these shortcut for contacts. i see this way
is much easier.

> 2. Contacts,  Now,  is there a quick way of navigating through contacts.
Say,  pressing G to find  Guy. I have used the scrolling
> down feature which is fine but takes longer and also the navigation keys
which work fine but again I need to scroll through all
> contacts.

i remember that i told you once in a private email that when you at the
contacts book, slide your finger towards the bottom of the
screen and you will hear talks say "text", just tab once at this area and a
alpha keyboard will pop-up. the keyboard will have 5
letters in a row, so tab to the letter you want and it will filter your
contacts book.

> 3. When I get a new message, I can press on the screen and here what it
says,  however,  how could I hear the message read say
> word  f by word or sentence by sentence.

set the talks cursor mode to words and when the message is open, longpress
the uparrow then you can navigate word by word with the

> 4. Sending a text,  When I'm typing into a text field,  how do I navigate
back   through the text to make spelling changes ETC.

slide towards the bottom of the screen, there's 5 button in a row:

close: to close the virtual keyboard.
left: to move the cursor to the left.
edit menu: to change various options for the keyboard and etc.
right: to move the cursor to the right.
clear: to perform a backspace and delete.

so to move back, just tab on the left arrow.

> And 5. Can anyone tell me the  best way   to reply  to a message.

when the message is open, slide your finger towards the bottom of the
screen, there's buttons like:

key1 for options; on the bottom left corner.
key2 for back; at the bottom right corner.
key3 for reply; above to key1.
key4 for forward; at the center between key3 and key5.
key5 for delete; above to key2.

so just tab on the key3 to reply.

> I'm trying to write a text,  however, as I understood  it,  if you put
your finger on the phone and run it around the various
> numbers/buttons  nothing will appear on the screen until you actually
release your finger and touch the relevant button a gain.
> What I'm finding is that,  whilst running my finger around the
numbers/icons without pressing them,  still they are coming out as
> well as the letters I'm pressing.

the reason is, your finger did not touch the screen firmely and maybe
bouncing, therefore the letter was typed. try to slide your
finger smoothly and when only you need the letter/icon, leave up your finger
and tab anywhere on the screen within 1.5 second.

> Thanks for all this and sorry for all the questions.

hope this helps.


Allan (WKF)

"Life is impermanent, happiness is not a necessity, a person must cherish
the people around them."

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