Hi all:

Am just asking about the reading symbols.
Because I knew that it was having some major problems, and the documents
didn't mention it.

Ramy Moustafa
If music be the food of love... play on.
Personal email:
Msn and aim messengers:
Studio email:
facebook profile:
youtube chanael:
-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Dennis Long
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 9:48 PM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] TALKS 5.20 Release Notes

EVERYONE READ the release notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!  that's why there 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ramy Moustafa" <moshtaqlealga...@gmail.com>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] TALKS 5.20 Release Notes

> Thanks so much but does anyone try it on e72? All problem ssolved or still
> no?
> Cheers:
> Ramy Moustafa
> If music be the food of love... play on.
> Mobile:
> 0020102221750
> Personal email:
> ramy.moustaf...@gmail.com
> Msn and aim messengers:
> flutelo...@link.net
> Studio email:
> harmonystudio2...@gmail.com
> facebook profile:
> http://www.facebook.com/
> Twitter:
> moustafa.r...@gmail.com
> youtube chanael:
> www.youtube.com/ramymoustafasaber
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] 
> On
> Behalf Of Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 7:20 PM
> To: Talks Mailing List; talks...@freelists.org; The Accessible Phones
> Discussion List
> Subject: [Talks] TALKS 5.20 Release Notes
> Dear All,
> TalkNav are delighted to confirm the release of the latest build of Nuance
> Talks, offering a wide range of new support for both OVI Maps and newer
> Symbian ^3 devices.
> For the full release notes please read below.
> You can immediately download the latest version of Talks from the TalkNav
> web-site, and for those of you needing an update to your license, we can
> provide these 24 hours a day 7 days a week with instant activation.
> enjoy...
> Nuance TALKS&ZOOMS Version 5.20
> Release Notification
> 1.  Introduction
> We proudly announce the release of the Nuance Accessibility Suite - Nuance
> TALKS and ZOOMS - Version 5.20 supporting Series 60 3rd Edition / 5th
> Edition for February 17, 2011.
> This version also introduces support for Symbian^3 in Nuance TALKS. Screen
> magnification using ZOOMS is not yet supported on Symbian^3 in this 
> release.
> For Users with a Premium license this version also contains the new 
> Daisy2go
> 2.01 minor update.
> This release uses the same versions of Eloquence and Vocalizer as the
> previous one (6.1.123 and 5.22, respectively). The TTS installation file 
> for
> Eloquence US English has been updated to extend the user dictionary.
> Version 5.20 is a free upgrade for all Premium Edition licenses generated
> after November 13th, 2007 (the release date of TALKS 3.50 for 3rd 
> Edition).
> In particular, this means that it can be installed by any customer who is
> currently able to run version 4.11 or 5.01 without requiring a new 
> license.
> 2.  The new handsets
> 2.1.              Changes to the list of supported phone models
> The following handsets are newly supported (please see section 4 "Known
> Issues" about some limitations):
> Nokia C6-00
> Nokia C7-00
> Nokia E5-00
> Nokia N8-00
> We also assume the following phones to work without major problems. 
> However
> we have not got enough test results yet to definitely confirm this:
> Nokia C5-03
> Nokia C6-01
> Nokia E7-00
> See section 6 for a full list of compatible handsets for this version.
> 3.  What's New?
> This section lists the improvements of TALKS&ZOOMS 5.20 compared to the
> previous version (5.01).
> 3.1.              Support for Symbian^3
> Nuance TALKS 5.20 is the first screen reader that supports the new 
> Symbian^3
> platform that is used by Nokia in some of its most recent smartphone 
> models,
> such as the N8-00 and the C7-00. Support for the just-released E7-00 is
> likely, but has not yet been confirmed.
> Overall, access to Symbian^3 works in a very similar manner to the 
> approach
> used for 5th Edition touch screen phones, by relying on a combination of
> list navigation using the side keys of the phone together with the ability
> to "explore" the screen. As reminder, "exploring" can be started by 
> holding
> the finger on one position for about half a second, and then moving 
> around.
> Lifting and tapping again anywhere on the screen will click on the most
> recently "explored" position.
> As usual, some features, such as side key navigation, are only available
> once the phone has been powered off and back on after installing or
> re-enabling TALKS.
> As a special feature for Symbian^3 phones which do not include physical
> [Call] and [Exit] keys, such as the N8-00, two new TALKS shortcuts have 
> been
> introduced to still be able to perform these important functions quickly:
> [Talks],[Power] simulates the [Call] key, e.g. to accept an incoming call 
> or
> to open the list of most recently dialled calls.
> [Talks],[long Power] simulates the [Exit] key, to hang up or reject a 
> call.
> Note that the call is only hung up after the [Power] key is released, 
> unlike
> with most other "long" TALKS commands.
> A few remarks on specific areas with limited accessibility on Symbian^3
> phones:
> .         Symbian^3: screen magnification using ZOOMS and Automation are 
> not
> yet supported.
> .         Some Symbian^3-specific gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom and
> long-tapping a menu item to open its context menu are not available while
> TALKS is running. Anyway, in the case of context menus it is generally
> possible to access the same functions by navigating to the menu item using
> the side keys, and then opening the Options menu.
> .         It is not yet possible for TALKS to speak while a phone call is 
> in
> progress. Speech is however available when an incoming call is ringing, 
> and
> the ringtone has been muted by pressing [Key 2]. Please note       that
> TALKS does not yet announce the number or name of the caller in this case.
> It is therefore recommended to use the "Say caller's name" option in the
> current profile to get this information instead.
> .         The new Conversations view in Messaging, which lists all the
> incoming and outgoing messages for a particular contact, is not fully
> supported in this version. This view also opens by default when reacting 
> to
> an incoming message from the pop-up dialog in the home screen, so it is
> recommended to go to the Options menu in the Messaging application, and to
> change the Message View setting from Conversations       to Inbox. The
> Conversation view uses an embedded browser, so it can be made partially
> accessible using the new feature described in section 3.3 (see below).
> .         Selecting a bookmark in the web browser is only possible by
> exploring the screen and tapping onto the list item, not by pressing [long
> Vol Down] on the list item.
> 3.2.              Support for Ovi Maps
> This version of TALKS introduces support for the Ovi Maps 3 application 
> that
> is either built-in or available as a download for most devices from Series
> 60 3rd Edition FP1 onwards. Initial support has been optimized for Ovi 
> Maps
> 3.03 and 3.04 on keyboard-phones, though earlier and later versions (as
> found, for example on Symbian^3) can be used successfully as well.
> Generally, important information and focus details are read as usual on 
> most
> screens. A few specific details are worth mentioning:
> On the "My Position" screen, TALKS reads the address of the current 
> position
> by default. Pressing [Talks],[long Key 2] for additional information also
> reads the city/region.
> While following a route on the "Drive" and "Walk" screens, TALKS will read
> the street and distance to the next turn by default, and give additional
> information (e.g. current position, distance to destination etc.) when
> pressing [Talks],[long Key 2].
> While following a route in "driving" mode, it is possible to preview the
> next turns by pressing [Up] several times. This will read the street names
> and distances to travel for each of the turns. This feature is not 
> available
> in "walking" mode.
> While following a route, the standard keyboard commands of Ovi Maps are
> available, such as [4] to repeat reading of the last instruction and [2] 
> to
> save the current position as a favourite.
> Additional services, such as "Weather", "Events" or "More" in the main 
> menu
> are not yet accessible.
> The contents of the "About" screen (under Options > Support) are currently
> not read.
> Please note that on touch phones, some default read-outs may not be 
> optimal,
> but all information is still accessible by "exploring" the screen.
> 3.3.              Access to embedded browser views (e.g. Help screens)
> An increasing number of applications are using an embedded version of web
> browser to display content that does not directly come from a web page.
> Examples are the display of Help pages in many applications on 3rd Edition
> FP2 and later phones, contents of e-mail messages in HTML format and the
> Conversations view on Symbian^3 phones.
> On touch phones, these screens can be recognized by the fact that the
> virtual keyboard for the browser is displayed, but that navigating the 
> page
> beyond the page title is not possible. Also, the announcement of the 
> number
> of links (or "Page has no links") is missing.
> Version 5.20 offers a method to make the textual content (though not the
> links) in some of these pages accessible upon request: when such a page is
> shown on the screen, simply press [Talks],[Down] to read the page 
> contents.
> If necessary, this will first try to convert the page text into a readable
> format, and then start reading it.
> In some cases, it may be necessary to press the key a second time to
> commence reading. Also, this method does yet work in all applications.
> 3.4.              Various changes
> This section lists further changes to TALKS that were made in this update:
> Application support:
> Focus in Nokia Internet Radio is now recognized.
> Lists in N97 web radio are now read.
> Made several improvements to accessibility of Java apps (e.g. automatic
> reading of non-editable text fields and of some types of input controls).
> New e-mail application on C6-00 is now supported.
> Reduced verbosity of Calendar app on newer phones (e.g. E52), and improved
> reliability of focus reading in some views.
> Touch screen improvements:
> When exploring, objects that consist of nothing but an unlabeled graphic 
> are
> spoken as "Icon".
> Icon for closing full screen in lower right corner of touch browser is now
> read (as a soft key).
> Holding [Camera] key while exploring screen forces explore mode, and
> prevents accidental clicking.
> [Talks],[long Vol Down] to switch between navigation and volume control 
> now
> takes effect immediately, and works in applications where it failed
> previously, such as Daisy2go.
> Fixed incorrect cycling on [long Vol Up] from softkeys back to focus on
> screens with Text object (e.g. Notes or New Message).
> Daisy2go improvements:
> Fixed some cases where a few seconds were cut off at the end of an audio
> file.
> Changed tab width in Settings so all three tabs are accessible by touch.
> Bug fixes:
> Fixed out-of-memory messages after opening and closing a large number of
> applications or messages.
> Fixed reading of Symbol table with new E52/E72 firmware 051.x.
> Fixed text entry in browser on phones with new web browser 7.2, and on
> N97mini.
> Added missing punctuation reading for some common Unicode dash characters,
> and introduced short pauses when reading forced line breaks.
> Fixed some cases where order of punctuation and right-to-left text is
> incorrect, or where right-to-left text was read in the wrong order.
> Fixed problems with finding user dictionaries and app settings on drive F,
> especially after moving TALKS installation to a different drive.
> 4.  Known Issues with specific handsets and apps
> .         Touch phones: currently, there are some limitations to the use 
> of
> the on-screen keyboard for text entry. In particular, the menus for
> switching to other keyboard layouts and for picking suggestions from the 
> T9
> dictionary are not fully accessible. Switching to other keyboard layouts 
> is
> not recommended, as some of them (e.g. mini-Qwerty or handwriting) are not
> yet supported by TALKS, and can be difficult to exit.
> .         Touch phones: the symbol table in the virtual keyboard is
> currently not accessible. On 5th Edition phones only (but not on 
> Symbian^3)
> opening the symbol table in the on-screen keyboard can lead to the 
> keyboard
> stopping to take input until you press [Exit] to go to the main menu, and
> then return to the application where you were entering text.
> .         Touch phones: text entry into an object announced as "Fields"
> (e.g. a date or a time) is not supported well by this version of TALKS, as
> the virtual keyboard cannot be used with speech. This limits the use of 
> the
> Calendar and Clock applications that rely on these types of objects for 
> date
> and time input.
> .         On some phones, holding the [Camera] key does not launch the
> Camera application while this version of TALKS is active. The camera can
> still be opened through the phone's menu, or assigned to a softkey on the
> home screen.
> .         Internet radio on 3rd Edition phones: long list items start
> scrolling horizontally when they become focused, so TALKS will repeat 
> their
> contents partially a few times until they stop moving. Also, some details
> on the "Now playing" screen are not read by default, though they are
> available through the Object Viewer (a feature only available in TALKS
> Premium).
> .         N97: training mode will read the digits, rather than the 
> letters,
> for the keys in the top row of the QWERTY keyboard.
> .         Some keyboard functions, such as [Talks],[digit] shortcuts on 
> the
> Idle screen and the use of the side keys to navigate through menus on 5th
> Edition, are only supported after the phone has been rebooted once after
> installing or re-enabling TALKS.
> .         E55: [Talks],[digit] shortcuts have been reported to not work
> properly on this phone, most likely as a result of the unusual keyboard
> layout.
> .         3rd Edition (FP1 and FP2): the "Search" application is not
> supported.
> .         3rd Edition FP2: You will notice a slow response of voice
> recognition "beep" after holding [Key 2] when TALKS is not muted
> .         E75: When using ZOOMS, moving around the screen by holding down
> the cursor keys is currently not possible. The magnified portion of the
> screen always follows the current focus position.
> .         N96: "Photos" application (and "Photos" submenu of "Gallery") is
> not supported.
> .         N96: Daisy2Go does not support firmware versions prior to 20.x 
> of
> this phone.
> 5.  FAQ
> Q: Your software does not install on my E-Series handset or branded 
> device,
> and reports a Certificate Error! Why?
> A: While TALKS&ZOOMS for Symbian itself is certified, and thus can be
> installed on any supported handset, the installers for the TTS engines
> (Eloquence or Vocalizer for Mobile) are not signed. E-Series handsets and
> some branded devices only accept the installation of signed software, 
> unless
> you turn of the corresponding option inside the Application Manager:
> .         Open the phone menu.
> .         Open the App. Manager inside the Tools folder
> .         Press "Options", then select "Settings".
> .         Set "Software Installation" from "Signed only" to "All".
> .         Press "Back" to close the Settings dialogue, then "Exit" to 
> close
> the App. Manager.
> .         Now, you can install the TTS engine.
> Another reason could be that the date on your phone is not set correctly -
> as Symbian apps need to be digitally signed, SIS files can only be 
> installed
> if the phone is set to a valid date.
> Q: Can I install the new release of TALKS&ZOOMS, while a previous release 
> is
> active?
> A: Yes, if the new version is installed to the same memory location as the
> previous release. If you would like to change the memory location, you 
> have
> to remove the previous release first!
> Q: Why do I get an "Upgrade error" when installing the S60 3rd/5th Edition
> version?
> A: The most likely reasons are that you have used a beta release, or 
> already
> have the Nokia TTS driver available that was installed as a separate file
> with version 3.10. Please remove any beta version, as well as the Nokia 
> driver or the Nuance Speech2Go Reader application, before upgrading to 
> 5.20.
> Q: Why do I get an "Invalid serial number" error when trying to activate a
> demo version of TALKS, even though I have entered the code correctly and
> never used TALKS on this phone before?
> A: The most likely reason is that TALKS thinks the demo has already
> "expired" because the date on the phone is set incorrectly, usually to 
> some
> date in the future.
> 6.  Full compatibility list
> 6.1.              Current models
> This section lists compatible handsets running on Series 60 3rd Edition
> Feature Pack 2, Series 60 5th Edition and Symbian^3, many of which are
> available at least in some markets:
> Keyboard phones:
> Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
> Nokia 5630 XpressMusic
> Nokia 6700 slide (but not 6700 classic!)
> Nokia 6210 Navigator
> Nokia 6220 Classic
> Nokia 6650 fold
> Nokia 6710 Navigator
> Nokia 6720 classic
> Nokia 6730 classic
> Nokia 6790 Surge / slide
> Nokia C5-00
> Nokia E5-00
> Nokia E52
> Nokia E66
> Nokia E71
> Nokia E71x
> Nokia E72
> Nokia E73
> Nokia E75
> Nokia N78
> Nokia N79
> Nokia N85
> Nokia N86
> Nokia N96
> Touch screen phones:
> Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
> Nokia C6-00
> Nokia C7-00
> Nokia N8-00
> Nokia N97
> Nokia N97mini
> Nokia X6
> Untested, but expected to work:
> Nokia 5228 Xpress Music
> Nokia 5230 Xpress Music
> Nokia 5235 Xpress Music
> Nokia 5530 Xpress Music
> Nokia 5730 Xpress Music
> Nokia C5-03
> Nokia C6-01
> Nokia E7-00
> Nokia X5-01
> 6.2.              Earlier models (3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 and older)
> This section lists handsets running earlier versions of Series 60 3rd
> Edition which can still be upgraded to run TALKS 5.00. However, they are
> typically no longer available in most regions except as second-hand and
> refurbished devices.
> Nokia 3250
> Nokia 5500
> Nokia 5700
> Nokia 6110 Navigator
> Nokia 6120C
> Nokia 6121C
> Nokia 6124 Classic
> Nokia 6290
> Nokia E50
> Nokia E51
> Nokia E60
> Nokia E61
> Nokia E61i
> Nokia E62
> Nokia E63
> Nokia E65
> Nokia E70
> Nokia E90
> Nokia N71
> Nokia N72
> Nokia N73
> Nokia N75
> Nokia N76
> Nokia N80
> Nokia N81/ N81 8GB
> Nokia N82
> Nokia N91
> Nokia N95 / N95 8GB
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @NeilBarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit www.talknav.com
> URL: - www.talknav.com
> e-mail: - serv...@talknav.com
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
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