Hi. Yes it is true that Mobile Speak licenses can be tied to your phone number. There for if you miss place your sim for any reason you can replace your simcard providing it has the same number and you should be fully licensed. I'm hoping Nuance follow persuit of this method as it would save us all paying £50 transfer fee. I change my phone 2 to 3 times a year. I would rather pledge the £50 towards a software upgrade and Nuance should take note of our licensing suggestions. I don't see the point of them offering a sim serial license as you would have to pay around £75 if you had to replace your sim.
Original message:
Hi All,

Just an enquery here. Is it true that Mobile speak is offering license based
on mobile number?  If so, why not Talks implement such license on top of
the current licensing of SIM and IMEI?


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