n86 no. most eSeries have it.


Allan (WKF)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Estelita
To: Talks Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 22:17
Subject: Re: [Talks] questions about the Talks key.

Is toggle Bluetooth key also available in N86?
If yes, where can I find it?
Thanks in advance,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Saqib" <sa...@samobile.net>
To: <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Talks] questions about the Talks key.

> Hi thanks for that bit of information about the Bluetooth toggle key. It
> works on my Nokia E5. That key also is the Talks key so I have to press it
> twice if I want to toggle Bluetooth.
> Original message:
>> Dawnielle
>> I use the e73 mode every day as my main phone. I don't experience
>> these issues. After reading your email I tried to duplicate the
>> experience you describe, but when I press Talks 0 my phone always
>> togles in and out of training mode. When I press talks and soft key 2
>> it always reads out the status. I tried changing the cursor mode but
>> the keys still perform correctly.
>> I don't know if you could be pressing the bluetooth key instead of
>> the 0 by mistake or not. They aren't near each other. The bluetooth
>> togle button is the 3rd button from the left on the bottom row of
>> keys. First is the function keys, then the edit key, then the
>> bluetooth on and off key. A short press of this bluetooth key togles
>> a "reading" light on and off on the phone screen apparently for folks
>> to using at night. Pressing and holding that key a second or two
>> togles the bluetooth on and off.
>> There's really no reason I can think of for your phone to be doing
>> what you described unless it was programmed wrong at the factory for
>> some reason.
>> As you first get the phone the talks key is what they call the "home"
>> key. if you press it twice it takes you back to the stand by screen.
>> Soft key 1 is set as the menu key. I reset soft key 1 to settings
>> which then cause the talks key to become the menu key if you press
>> talks twice like it is on many phones. I reset those keys back to
>> their original functions to see if that would duplicate the issues
>> you describe, but talks 0 worked fine and talks soft key 2 worked
>> fine in both set-ups.
>> Denise
>> At 03:13 PM 2/8/2011, you wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>      I was able to figure out which key was the talks key last
>>> night on my Nokia E73 Mode and started playing around with the
>>> manual and my phone. When I press the Talks key in conjuction with
>>> zero to enter training mode, it toggles my blue tooth on and off,
>>> rather than putting me in training mode. Why is this? It only has
>>> let me enter training mode once. I've also pressed talks plus key
>>> two for the battery/signal strength and it tells me some times and
>>> not others. My curser mode is still original. Do I need to change
>>> it for these functions to work properly? Over all, I'm liking Talks
>>> much better than Mobile Speak. I'm just hoping I can get these
>>> issues sorted out so that I can keep Talks. I'm able to read my
>>> e-mail with Talks with no problems. I wasn't able to do this with Mobile
>>> Speak.
>>> Thanks for any help you can provide,
>>> Dawnielle
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